Thursday, February 9, 2023

Top 10 must check facts for buying a home.

 Buying home is a great decision. But, investing in house is not always turns a happy decision. You should check out the points mentioned before moving to buy a new house.

Location: Consider the location of the property and the surrounding area, including nearby schools, public transportation, and shopping centers.

Property Size and Condition: Verify the size of the property and assess its condition, including the age and condition of appliances, roof, and other major components.

Zoning and Building Regulations: Make sure the property complies with local zoning laws and building regulations.

Homeowner's Association (HOA) Fees: Determine the amount of monthly or yearly HOA fees and what they cover.

Tax Assessments: Check the property tax assessments and make sure you understand the amount of property tax you'll need to pay each year.

Flood Zones: Check if the property is located in a flood zone, as this can affect your insurance rates and the resale value of the property.

Natural Disasters: Consider the likelihood of natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or wildfires in the area.

Neighborhood Safety: Investigate the neighborhood's crime rate and safety record.

Resale Value: Consider the resale value of the property and the potential for appreciation.

Homeowner's Insurance: Determine the cost of homeowner's insurance and what is covered under the policy

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